Friday, November 30, 2012


Many people has been writing so much about the upcoming doomsday and that a secret planet x will hit the earth. They even claim they have photos of this red planet, which of course is fake. I have studied astronomy on hobby basis over 20 years, and know of course this will not happen. First of all, if this so called Nibiru is on it's way to hit the earth, why haven't anyone else seen this yet? I would travel in an insane speed and would have been visible long time ago.
To be honest, the onl thing that can destroy the earth is the human race, as we have the power to do it.

Enough of that.
I do belive there must be some more life in the entire universe, and also I belive someone have been on earth.
Take a look at this video
It shows some videos from this summer with unexplained flying objects.
Don't tell me these are balloons, birds or chinese lanterns. It's not all of them that's ufo's, but some looks interresting.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Winther Is Coming, So are Ufo's.. I'll tell you.

Hi there.

Did you know that most ufo sightings happen in the winther months?
That is simple, because the sky is black and planes look brighter at dark skies.
Besides that, all the stars make some people think they see ufo's. Anyway, I have seen a lot I cannot explain, and one special episode happened when I was about 13-14 years old.

A friend and I was walking a cross the park where I used to live when we suddenly saw a strange
light in the sky about 50-100 meters from ground. It was blinking with 3 white light one way.
Suddenly a much bigger light became visible, but this one had one big light in the middle, and 2 smaller on each side, which where blinking towards the middle light. After a while these 2 object seemed to melt together, hoovering slowly over the streets near the park, shooting a very bright light through the trees and straight to the ground like a very powerful beam of light. But in a blink it just dissapeared straight up in the black sky and vanished. Don't tell me it's a bird or plane or something, as we where standing about 100 meters from this objects, hiding behind some trees, as we where very nervous both of us. You tell me what it was..

Anyway, a neighbour once told me this:
"If alien technology has come to earth, it is strange they show themself with a lot of blinking lights, as they should have a more advanced technology than us.
Something to think about.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Don't Forget To Scroll Through My Older Post.

To all my new readers, please scroll through my old posts, so you know what I really write about.
I have a lot of strange and scary stories, as well as great offers for my readers.
If you feel for asking me questions or have ideas about wht you wnat me to write about, feel free to do so. Click on follow to always get my updates, or ad my blog to your favorites so you can come back any time you like.
Now I take the night, so bye for now and peace.


Doomsday! Not..

Hi old and new readers.

After a year and a half without blogging here, I decided to come back for more incredible news and strange mysteries.
Lately there have been so much talk about 21. December and doomsday. There are even tv shows about some people thinking doomsday is near, so they build there own safety chamber under ground to think they will be safe in case of any catastrophic phenomen will show up. Well, to be honest, I laugh when I see these people wasting time on such things, but Hey, they can do whatever they want, right?
So, since I'm back, I should have some strange news for you.
 Well, there are so much things going on in the world, and unfortunately, a lot bad things. Wars and terror, and such, which is not good at all, and in the end, we dig our own grave by doing so.

But what about extra terrestrials? Will they soon show up or not? Personally, I have seen so much strange lights and movements in the sky, which I can't explain, but small green men? Hardly.
In that case, they have to travel way faster than mankind is available to believe, and we're talking faster than speed of light. It's the only way they can reach us in a reasonable time without getting too old, and I don't think they are thousands of years old either. Anyway, there could be other dimensions which we don't know about. Just try to think of this: If you look at your remote controller while you push the button, you won't see a thing, but through a camera, you'll see white blinking lights, why?
Because it is infrared beams. If you do the same with your camera at a dark night sky, you will be surprised to may see something that you can't see with your own eyes. Sometimes people take pictures or even videos of something special, and when they later watch this, there sometimes are things there, which can't be explained. It happens all the time. Personally, I love to lay down my camera at the balcony at black nights and taking photos of the stars. From day to day, you can sometimes see a change in the constellations, which usually are planets moving from day to day, but sometimes I see other things like a plane, satellites and such. Very seldom there are other things showing up, which I can't understand what is, and in that case, it is a UFO, unidentified flying objects.
That doesn't mean there are aliens, but unidentifed it is.