Friday, March 25, 2011

Ufo in Oslo or just a piece of plastic?

Hi again my dear readers.
I have to say i'm sorry for not updating this page in a while, as i have been busy with a few other blogs and websites, but also started in a new job.
But now i'm back, and hopefully i will add some cool stories here more often than i have done lately.
So i start now by telling that there were a ufo sighting in Oslo last night, close to the airport, and they had to close down air traffic for a long time to find out what this was. Unfortunately, they still don't know, they thought microplane, glide plane or wind surfer, but they haven't gotten any more information if it was one of those. The captain in the plane who saw this, reported he was getting sunrays of light reflecting from this "thing" into his eyes. Today i read they suggest it's a piece of plastic, or plastic bag.
Hmmm, I didn't know a piece of plastic could send sunbeams hundreds of meters through the air, but maybe i'm wrong? Reminds me of another great story from Washington in the 60's or 70's when they reported balls of lights flying over the white house in a sertain speed. They wouldn't conclude with anything else, than that these flying objects, which was flying in a triangular shape, where birds. What kid of birds glows? Hmmm. Ok, enough for today, but please be patient and i will try to pst new stories soon.
Take care, and again, thanks for staying with me here.