Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Buy Your Telescope Here! ! !

Are you like me interrested in everything out in the universe, then this link are pretty good for you.
http://www.telescopes.com/ I have to say that i am NOT an affiliate of this site, as i can't because of the country i live in, but hey, they have a lot of great scopes anyway.
I am a hobby astronom who loves to watch the stars, moon and the planets at winther time.
My telescope is a 120 mm refractor, which is pretty descent when watching the sky at night. Here is a picture of my telescope.

And here is a picture i made last winther with very low magnitude with it.

You can take much better pictures than this, but this is only to show you what you at least can expect from a good telescope. Just don't be fooled by those who offers telescope with 500x magnitude, as these are often very cheap and not much usable, as the optics are somewhat poor in these scopes. I will try to post some more pics later, where you can see mountains and craters on the surface of the moon.

If you rather like to stay indoors in winther, then this place is for you:
Here you can buy computer systems for watching everything you like in the universe, straight from your own computer, instead of being outside in minus 20 degree. And you don't really need a telescope either.