The last tree years, this craft has flied over the building i live in, but why, and what is it?
I am used to daily air traffic, but the sound of this is so loud,
it sounds like10 jets in slow motion at the same time.
It flies very slow, and just passes and go on to i don't know.
Here is a picture of it taken from this site:
Also here you can read about it plus many other strange things.
I don't really know what kind of craft it is, so if anyone know what it is, please comment in my blog.
I have seen this only twice, and last year i manage to take a picture of the lights from behind, but poor quality on the photos, so no need to post them.
Anyway, this craft looks kind of cool i think, but same time a bit mystical. Is it from earth, or is it something we don't know?
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