Saturday, September 11, 2010

911 or 11th.September

Today it is 9 years since that terrible attack to the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
I really think it's sad that it ever happened. Has anyone sat down and thought about all the people who left someone in this tragedy? I sure do, because i know how it is to lose someone very close.
The world today is not what it used to be some 15-20 years ago. Of course now we have the technology to do even worse things to each other, but anyway, is this the way to go?
You read about bad things every single day, you see it in the news,
and it ends you turn immune to such things, as you get used to it. Children of today grow up with terror, war, child abuse, violence and other bad things, but what can we do?
We all think of having the perfect life, but it's not like that anymore.
Today. it's like, quit driving your expensive car, it pollute the air, quit smoking, it's dangerous, don't eat that, it's unhealthy for you!!!
What about all the polluted air from bombs and grenades which are used everyday in war and terror? Don't they pollute?
I think people should sit down and think before they speak,
as gowerments all over the world, i think talk bullxxxx.
They got the money!
They got a fancy car!
They got a great house!
But do they ever think of YOU?
What do you have?
They show up in the news when bad things happen and say "I'm Sorry", but that's about it.
Ok, so back to 911!
I personally will use this day to think about what happened,
and send all my best thoughts to everyone who lost their life on that day and to their families and friends.
Rest in Piece, and may God Bless Your Soul....

P.s. This is just my thoughts for today and nothing else.
This is not taken from any newspaper.
It's early morning in my country, and i am having a cup of coffee while writing this.
If my English is bad, go ahead and tell me, as i am Norwegian, and English is not my native language.
Have a nice weekend and don't forget to send a thought to all who needs it..
It may not make the world better,
but maybe YOU will feel better after doing it..

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